HIV/AIDS stigma and result

Socially, stigma means a distinguishing mark of social disgrace. Generally people try to avoid all stigmas since sometimes it is the reason of shame, disrespect, and even the cause of life threat.  In present world a common social stigma is HIV/AIDS.

Some issues put in AIDS to become stigma.

  • HIV/AIDS is a life-threatening disease, and therefore people react to it in strong ways.
  • HIV infection is associated with some specific behaviors,
    like as homosexuality, drug addiction, and prostitution which are already stigmatized in many societies.
  • Inaccurate information about the transmitting of HIV
    also creates stigma.
  • Religious or moral beliefs lead sometimes to believe
    that being infected with HIV is the result of moral fault.

Above all information from ( are some particular causes for HIV/AIDS to become social stigma.

However, the result of this disgrace is awful. Most of the time people stay away from the affected persons and hate them. People start to suspect the patients very deficiently. Socially the whole family reviled, sometimes their own relatives blame them with all inaccurate and superstitious conversations. I watched a shot film about AIDS. Although it was a TV program, the facts behind it was a very good example of the social stigma about AIDS. It was about a happy family
of three people. Husband, wife, and one child, but one day husband had an accident. He was badly injured and because of that he an operation in his body. Thus, he received blood in his body. After five year doctor discovered HIV virus in his wife’s body. His wife became badly sick, but her neighbors made her sicker. Somehow the news about her diseases spread in the vicinity and people started to hate her, even her family. Her only child could not play with others because
all children and their parents avoided the child. One day all the neighbors came in front of their house and started shouting that the woman is a prostitute and they will not let her buried in the pure land after her death.

It was a short film, so to make a happy ending there a doctor came. He made those people clear disease and its transmitting and the real story about her husband’s accident, so they help the family at last.

However, in reality tis ending is rare, most of the time AIDS patients die with great heartache. Sometimes they forced to believe that it is the punishment of their sins. no one wants to talk about it and pathetically some countries make it as taboo subject. Thus, people doo not get correct information.

It is now twenty-first century, so we must discard the stigma. Since, it makes us flimsier, so we should associate and exhibit our helping hand towards the helpless people and break the ice.


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2 Responses to HIV/AIDS stigma and result

  1. sharmin00 says:

    Your blog is very informative and well organized. After reading this blog I have more information about HIV/AIDS and its stigma. I appreciated your writing ability. Very good job. Carry on dear. 🙂

  2. Nice job Khadiza:) I like your blog because this blog is really helpfull for to us to know about the AIDS. You have already mentioned about the terrible results of AIDS. You need to be more alert to cure AIDS as early as possible. 🙂

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